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PUTRAJAYA (Jan 22): Former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak claimed that he was being prosecuted for "being transparent" on how he spent the purported donation from the Middle East.

The now-imprisoned 71-year-old, said that he could have easily utilised the donation monies in the form of cash but did not do so and specifically used cheques because he knew it would be documented.

"I'm being prosecuted for being transparent," Najib said while testifying in his defence in the ongoing 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB)-Tanore trial.

"By virtue of [using cheque] I knew the cheque will be kept forever. [That is not] the way for someone to behave if it's illegitimate money [or] if you have nefarious [intentions] in you mind," he added.

On Wednesday, Najib also said that he does not recall using the 'donation' monies in the form of cash.

It is Najib's defence that he received US$680 million from what he believed to be genuine donations from the late Saudi King Abdullah.

It is his case that he utilised the donation for corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects to help the rakyat and returned US$620 million to the sender.

The prosecution however claims that these funds were misappropriated from 1MDB, where Najib who, as the apex decision maker, was calling the shots.

Najib had also testified previously, questioning the rationale of opening local bank accounts to receive 1MDB monies if it was his intention to plunder the funds.

Najib says Husni turned sour after losing 2018 election

At the trial, Najib also claimed that former finance minister II Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah turned sour after losing the 14th general election in 2018.

Husni had testified as a prosecution witness saying that despite several attempts to warn his former boss, Najib responded that he didn't want Husni to be involved in the company's matters even when Minister of Finance Incorporated (MOF Inc) fully owned 1MDB and the then-finance minister was its sole shareholder.

"After he (Husni) resigned [in 2016], he came back to me. He said he can contribute [as a candidate] in the Tambun [parliamentary seat]. He wanted to be a candidate. We didn't abandon him. He was very friendly [even after resignation]. After he lost, he turned sour," Najib said.

Wednesday marks Najib's 22nd day on the stand to testify in his defence. The defence is in the process of re-examining him, after which he will be released from the stand.

The defence has indicated that they will be calling around 20-odd witnesses to testify.

In this trial, Najib faces four abuse of power and 21 money-laundering charges.

The trial before presiding judge Datuk Collin Lawrence Sequerah continues on Thursday.

Edited ByAdam Aziz
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