SINGAPORE (Mar 26): Singapore’s manufacturing output declined 3.6% in February 2015 from a year ago, according to the latest data by the Economic Development Board. Excluding biomedical manufacturing, output fell 3.9%.
Compared to January, manufacturing output increased 4.1% in February 2015 on a seasonally-adjusted basis. Excluding biomedical manufacturing, output grew 1.1%.
Output of the general manufacturing industries cluster increased 1.3% in February from a year ago. The food, beverages & tobacco segment registered output growth of 7.4% due to higher festive demand. This was partially offset by lower printing output as a result of fewer working days during the Lunar New Year period. Output of the general manufacturing cluster increased 0.8% compared to the same period a year ago.
The chemicals cluster’s output was unchanged. The petroleum segment grew 8.3% due to the low base in February last year when some plants had maintenance shutdowns. Output of the specialties segment rose 1.5% on the back of new production capacities. On the other hand, the other chemicals and petrochemicals segments fell 1.0% and 4.6%, respectively. In the first two months of this year, output of the chemicals cluster rose 0.2% compared to the same period in 2014.
The biomedical manufacturing cluster’s output declined 2.5% y-o-y. The medical technology segment expanded 21.7%, on account of higher export demand for medical instruments and consumables. However, this was offset by the pharmaceuticals segment which saw output fell 7.3%.
Output of the electronics cluster fell 4.5% y-o-y. All except the other electronic modules & components segment recorded output declines.
Output of the precision engineering cluster contracted 5.8% y-o-y with all segments registering output declines. This was due to fewer working days and lower orders as a result of the Lunar New Year.
Output of the transport engineering cluster declined 7.2% y-o-y. The marine & offshore engineering segment contracted 1.7% due to lower level of activities in ship repairing and conversion jobs. The aerospace segment’s output fell 18.1% on the back of lower demand for engine repair jobs.
EDB says the next monthly manufacturing performance media release will be released on April 24.