Monday 01 Jul 2024
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PETALING JAYA (March 26): PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli says party lawyers will link controversial blogger Papa Gomo with his purported real life identity by getting family members to make that connection during two ongoing defamation suits.

Rafizi has been revealing evidence to link pro-establishment online figure Papa Gomo to a former traffic police corporal named Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris.

One Wan Muhammad Azri however recently denied that he is Papa Gomo even though his identification card number matched the one released by Rafizi.

In response, Rafizi today told a press conference that PKR's lawyers will call Wan Muhammad Azri's immediate family members, including the latter's former spouse, to testify that he was indeed the man behind the pro-establishment blog.

There are two ongoing legal action against the man said to be Papa Gomo.

The first is a defamation suit filed by PAS leader Datuk Husam Musa against Papa Gomo in the Kota Baru High Court while the second and most recent is Anwar's suit against the controversial blogger in the Kuala Lumpur High Court.

Anwar last week filed a defamation suit against Wan Muhammad Azri after the Papa Gomo blog released still photographs from a video which insinuated that Anwar had sodomised a young student.

"Papa Gomo should be more brave. If he indeed fights for religion, race and country as he claims then he has to be brave enough to admit his real identity and face legal action.

"You cannot attack surreptitiously and slander people, then hide," Rafizi said.

Rafizi had in previous weeks sought to link Papa Gomo with Wan Muhammad Azri by showing Election Commission records and a listing on the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) database.

The MACC listing shows that Wan Muhammad Azri was previously convicted for soliciting a bribe from a suspected drug addict while serving as a traffic police force.

Today Rafizi released immigration records of Wan Muhammad Azri which show him using a passport that was registered to his police identification number and his identity card for interstate air travel.

Rafizi also alleged that Papa Gomo had connections to the top leadership of Umno.

"It's important to get some accountability. Barisan cannot subcontract it to anonymous bloggers. It won't be long before we track down bloggers and sue them," Rafizi said.

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