This article first appeared in The Edge Malaysia Weekly on March 24, 2025 - March 30, 2025
The currency for the calculation corresponds to the currency of the country for which the awards are calculated and relies on monthly data. Classification averages are calculated with all eligible share classes for each eligible classification. The calculation periods extend over 36, 60 and 120 months. The highest Lipper Leader for Consistent Return (Effective Return) value within each eligible classification determines the fund classification winner over three, five, or 10 years. For a detailed explanation, please review the Lipper Leader Methodology Document.
Asset class group awards will be given to the best large and small groups separately. Large fund family groups with at least five equity, five bond, or three mixed-asset portfolios in the respective asset classes are eligible for a group award. Small fund family groups will need to have at least three distinct portfolios in one of the asset classes – equity, bond, or mixed-asset. The lowest average decile rank of the three years’ Consistent Return measure of the eligible funds per asset class and group will determine the asset class group award winner over the three-year period. In cases of identical results, the lower average percentile rank will determine the winner.
An overall group award will be given to the best large and small group separately. Large fund family groups with at least five equity, five bond, and three mixed-asset portfolios are eligible for an overall group award. Small fund family groups will need to have at least three equity, three bond, and three mixed-asset portfolios. An overall group award will be given to the group with the lowest average decile ranking of its respective asset class results based on the methodology described above. In cases of identical results, the lower average percentile rank will determine the winner. No asset class and/or overall group awards are handed out if there are less than three competing companies.
Asset class and overall group awards are given to the company that is responsible for establishing the fund by appointing the fund management company, promoting and/or distributing the fund, the brand of the fund and the product range. This company is also referred to as promoter or sponsor company.
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