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TEMERLOH (Sept 14): PAS' 70th muktamar on Saturday unanimously approved seven proposed amendments to the party's constitution, including the creation of clear and strict anti-party-hopping provisions.

PAS secretary general Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan said any member who joins or supports another party that is not a member of PAS, or takes actions contrary to the party's stance, will automatically lose their membership.

"This provision (Clause 15A of the PAS’ constitution) also covers members who choose to be independent candidates. This is important to ensure the discipline and loyalty of members who hold positions in the legislature," he said while presenting the motion at the muktamar here on Saturday.

In addition, Takiyuddin said PAS' non-Muslim Supporters Congress will be empowered by giving more rights and roles to its members, including the right to vote and be elected in the party, to give them more space to contribute to the direction of the party.

Also approved was a motion related to the establishment of the PAS Assabiqun wing for PAS members, aged 60 and above, to continue to contribute their views and experiences.

The other proposals were related to the internal management of PAS councils at the central, state and regional levels, aspects of party administration, establishing the PAS board of trustees, and technical coordination in the PAS constitution.

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