Tuesday 23 Jul 2024
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KUALA LUMPUR (July 4): Four out of 27 projects to upgrade and build water treatment plants nationwide throughout the 11th Malaysia Plan period were delayed beyond their scheduled completion dates, according to the Auditor-General’s Report 2024.

According to the report, the four projects experienced delays between 324 and 1,076 days, including two in Sabah, one in Johor and one in Kedah, with a total cost of RM926.79 million.

The report said the delay in the Telibong II water treatment plant capacity expansion project in Sabah was due to design changes and realignment of pipelines involving the Pan Borneo route, while another project in the same state, the Lahad Datu water supply system project, was delayed due to pipeline alignment issues and a shortage of raw materials.

“For the Lubuk Buntar Lama water treatment plant upgrading project in Kedah, the delay was due to issues in finalising the type of tank and land acquisition.

“The delay in the Layang 2 water treatment plant construction project in Johor was caused by difficulties in water intake construction works,” it said.

The AG’s Report 2024 also found that the implementation of 11 new centralised sewage treatment plant projects was delayed, compared to the original schedule.

According to the report, the projects were part of the 34 projects by the Sewerage Services Department (JPP).

It also noted that the total cost of the delayed projects amounted to RM4.685 billion.

Meanwhile, the report found that 129 out of 636 Phase 1 sewerage treatment plant upgrade projects planned by the National Water Services Commission (SPAN) and implemented by Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd were delayed, with a total cost of RM68.16 million.

The report stated that the delays were caused by the government’s Movement Control Order directives, the postponement of pipe installation work, and delays in the supply of building materials.

“These delays have also hindered the achievement of the water infrastructure construction objectives,” it said.

For more AG’s Report 2024 stories, click here.

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