Thursday 19 Sep 2024
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KUALA LUMPUR (July 2): The shortage of trained Integrated Special Education Programme (PPKI) teachers is not a hindrance to opening special education classes in schools that require them, as these positions can be filled by existing non-option special education teachers.

Deputy Education Minister Wong Kah Woh said that non-option teachers would undergo a three-day special education exposure course provided by the Ministry of Education (MOE) to prepare them for teaching in PPKI classes.

Moreover, these teachers would receive a monthly allowance of RM250, on par with special education option teachers.

"For teachers who are not specialised in special education, they will receive training focused on improving their abilities to manage students with special needs, as well as training in the Primary School Literacy and Numeracy Programme (PLaN)," he said.

 "... they will also undergo training to enhance their pedagogical skills, deepen their subject knowledge in special education and improve their digital and ICT competencies. This short-term initiative aims to equip existing teachers to effectively teach in PPKI classrooms," he further added.

He said this during a Special Chamber session in the Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday in reply to Cha Kee Chin (PH-Rasah), who asked whether the shortage of trained PPKI teachers posed a challenge to the establishment of PPKI classes, particularly in Chinese National Type Schools (SJKC).

At the same time, he emphasised that the MOE plans annually for the recruitment of Bachelor of Teaching Degree Programme (PISMP) candidates to meet the staffing needs across schools nationwide.

These projections are based on the country's educational requirements for the next five years, ensuring that the ministry can adequately cater to the needs of students from various backgrounds.

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