Wednesday 26 Jun 2024
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This article first appeared in The Edge Malaysia Weekly on May 27, 2024 - June 2, 2024

In the special national address by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim aired on May 22, he used the term “maha kaya” (super rich) many times to justify the need to restructure the subsidy system.

While it is necessary to restructure the subsidy system from a blanket system that benefits everyone to one that only helps those who need it, the government should not be demonising the super rich, just so it can gain support from the masses.

Those who are better off should contribute more — and they do — by paying income taxes that commensurate with the levels of their income. This is something that all facets of society should do, not just the super rich.

However, by deliberately painting the super rich as “gorging” — for the lack of a better word — the subsidies meant for the poor, the government is essentially trying to make them out to be the villains. That they are the reason why the poor are not being looked after as much as they should be.

This sends the wrong signal to society, that the super rich or successful have an unfair advantage and should be penalised.

Bear in mind that the super rich also help create employment, their businesses pay taxes and they themselves also contribute via income and consumption taxes.

By all means, punish them if they evade taxes and are corrupt — anyone breaking the law should face the consequences, regardless of income level — but stop trying to treat them as a punching bag.

Without them, the government might not even have enough in the kitty to provide subsidies and social assistance to the masses. Knowing so, why this stance towards the super rich, especially those who have worked hard to earn their wealth and contributed their share to the country along the way?

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