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KUALA LUMPUR (March 28): Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) has called for action to be taken against those who made inciting statements on the sale of socks bearing the word “Allah”.

In a statement, Lawyers for Liberty director Zaid Malek said all those responsible must face the law, regardless of whether the person making such inciting remarks comes from a government political party or not.

“It is public knowledge that a key person responsible for the build-up of tension was Umno Youth chief Akmal Saleh, who was relentless in playing up the issue, even after the business (KK Mart) had made public apologies, and (thereafter) criminal charges had been brought against them (KK Mart directors). There may be others involved as well,” said Zaid in the statement.

He said potential offences have been committed under Section 505 (B) and (C) of the Penal Code for making statements that can cause fear or alarm to any section of the public, cause disturbance against public order, or which incites one community against another.

“Action must be taken to prevent a recurrence of the events of past weeks, and to demonstrate that no one is above the law. The nation cannot move past this issue unless those responsible face justice,” Zaid added.

He also noted a statement made on Wednesday by Criminal Investigations Department director Mohd Zain, who urged everyone, including politicians, to not incite racial sentiments regarding the issue of the socks bearing the word “Allah” as the police do not want “Kampung Medan” type events happening.

"Having called for calm, are the police going to do the right thing and probe those who created the tense situation by framing the issue as an attack on Islam? Or do the culprits who turned the country upside down for a fortnight get away with it?"

Zaid said it is "dangerous to let politicians baselessly carry on the narrative that the religion is under attack".

"These kinds of statements from persons who have political standing and influence can have a far-reaching impact on public order and tranquility.

"In our country, there is a long history of politicians using religious or racial issues for political gain. Aren’t we all sick of it? Will the PH (Pakatan Harapan)-led Madani government tolerate this just like previous governments did?” he asked.

The issue of the socks first began when photographs of the items bearing the word “Allah” were circulated on social media, showing them being on sale at a KK Mart outlet in Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya, on March 13.

KK Mart had issued an apology over the matter and confirmed that the sale of the socks had been stopped. It also terminated its contract with the supplier, against whom it is taking legal action. The supplier, which has since shut its business, claimed that manufacturers in China wrongly sent the socks, which were subsequently overlooked.

Akmal, however, continued to publicly campaign for a nationwide boycott of the convenience store chain. On Tuesday (March 26), a molotov cocktail was thrown towards a KK Mart outlet in Bidor, Perak in the early hours of the morning. The bomb did not ignite and there were no casualties.

Meanwhile, two directors of KK Mart have been charged over the now-recalled sale of the socks bearing the word "Allah", for intentionally hurting the religious feelings of others by allegedly putting the socks up for sale. Also charged were three directors of its supplier Xin Jian Chang Sdn Bhd, for allegedly abetting in the act. All have pleaded not guilty and claimed trial.

Two other private citizens who made comments about the controversy have also been charged in court for insulting Islam, sentenced to jail and fined.

Prior to that, the duo were reportedly tracked down by vigilante groups and forced to make confessions online, which sparked criticism from LFL and G25 Malaysia (a civil society organisation consisting of a group of influential Malays playing a constructive role as the voice of moderation on religion), who urged the government and the police to take actions against the vigilantes, saying their failure to act will encourage mob justice.

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