Saturday 27 Jul 2024
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KUALA LUMPUR (March 22): Lawyers of former Bersatu information chief Datuk Wan Saiful Wan Jan will consider making a representation to the Attorney General's Chambers (AGC) to seek a review of the charges against the Bersatu man involving RM6.9 million relating to the Jana Wibawa programme. 

Speaking to The Edge, Wan Saiful’s lawyer Datuk Rosal Azimin Ahmad said that they are considering a review, but will only decide on it once documents pertaining to the charges have been received by the legal team representing Wan Saiful, in line with Section 51A of the Criminal Procedure Code.

“Yes, we shall do it (ask for a review) after taking into consideration (and) after receiving all documents pertaining to the charges from the Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP),” he said. 

At a case management on Wednesday morning at the Sessions Court here, DPP Mohd Afif Ali told presiding Judge Rozina Ayob that part of the documents had already been handed over to Wan Saiful’s team. 

He said that there were several more banking documents that are yet to be obtained from the banks with regards to the case and asked for more time to do so. 

Wan Saiful was earlier reprimanded by Rozina for arriving at 9.30am to court. The case mention was set for 9am. 

Wan Saiful apologised and explained that he was held up by traffic.

Rozina also said that she usually schedules trials to begin three months after a person is charged. 

She then fixed May 8 for further case mention. 

Wan Saiful was charged before the Sessions Court for soliciting bribes to help Nepturis Sdn Bhd obtain approval by the government for the central spine road project worth RM232 million in April 2022. 

The second charge was for receiving a bribe amounting to RM6.96 million from Nepturis through his company’s bank account number. Wan Saiful had pleaded not guilty to both charges before judge Azura Alwi on Feb 21. 

Wan Saiful was originally scheduled to be charged before Rozina on Feb 21 but the judge was on leave.

Edited BySurin Murugiah
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