Sunday 19 May 2024
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Muslim-Friendly Tourism and Hospitality Assurance and Recognition (MFAR) and the Muslim-Friendly Tourist Guide (MFTG) programme are two of ITC’s initiatives to help industry players capture the booming Muslim tourist market

For the global Muslim population, Malaysia is an attractive travel destination not just because of its unique culture, nature and tourist attractions but also because of its Muslim-friendly environment and services.

The Islamic Tourism Centre (ITC), an agency under the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC), is ready to take Malaysia up a notch and expand the Islamic tourism ecosystem in the country so that global Muslim tourists will feel at home in the country as they enjoy what it has to offer.

This is part of MOTAC’s focus for a successful Visit Malaysia 2026. The Muslim tourist market is huge. By 2028, it is estimated that there will be 230 million global Muslim tourists, with an expenditure of US$225 billion.

Malaysia’s neighbours — Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand — are also competing and developing a strong Muslim-friendly environment to attract Muslim travellers. Malaysia, which is a Muslim-majority country, has an advantage.

NIZRAN NOORDIN, director-general of Islamic Tourism Centre

In fact, Malaysia was the top-ranked Muslim-friendly destination in the Global Muslim Travel Index for eight consecutive reports from 2015 to 2023 (because of the pandemic, no report was issued in 2020). On top of the “Muslim Women-friendly Destination of the Year”, Malaysia also won the “Top Muslim-friendly Destination of the Year (OIC)” at the Halal in Travel Awards 2023. In 2022, Malaysia was named the No 1 Muslim-friendly Travel Destination by DinarStandard in the State of the Global Islamic Economy Report 2023.

ITC, with MOTAC’s support, has the capacity to network with other countries at the ministry level and has strong ties with other ministries, which enables it to form a strong network with tourism industry players.

ITC also maintains a strong and close relationship with the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation’s (OIC) supplementary organ, the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), and its Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC). It is entrusted to conduct multiple training sessions as an Islamic Tourism and Muslim-Friendly Tourism and Hospitality (MFTH) expert.

Clearly, there is a wealth of opportunities and resources available in the country to boost Malaysia as the preferred destination for global Muslim tourists. To further build on this potential requires a strong MFTH ecosystem, which ITC is ready to assist with.

ITC recently delivered several training programmes to Malaysian Inbound Chinese Association (MICA) members on MFTH, which resulted in their development of MFTH packages and MFTG recognition for members of the association

Providing appropriate products and services

A strong MFTH ecosystem is one in which tourism industry players strive to attract market share by providing appropriate products and services to meet the needs of Muslim tourists.

Nizran Noordin, director-general of the Islamic Tourism Centre, says: “ITC is committed to strengthening the MFTH ecosystem by way of awareness training and capacity building, information exchange and research, standards development, industry development and advisory services.

“This means that Malaysian tourism industry players — whether from the hospitality, medical, transportation, amusement parks, shopping malls, travel agencies, transportation hubs, rest service areas, tourism products, convention and trade centres or wellness industries — can come to ITC for training programmes and MFTH package development workshops, which are offered in collaboration with Tourism Malaysia.

With Malaysia’s top ranking as a Muslim-friendly destination, opportunities abound for tourism industry players to step up efforts to attract the Muslim tourist market, guided by ITC’s expertise in research, training and standards development

“The ITC also organises the World Islamic Tourism Conference and Islamic Tourism Symposium, among other events, and has developed the Muslim-Friendly Tourism and Ho spitality Assurance and Recognition (MFAR) and Muslim-Friendly Tourist Guide (MFTG) training.

“These will be helpful for industry players to understand the market demand for Muslim-friendly tourism and tailor their services to those needs.”

Other than that, ITC assists in identifying new tourism products catering for this market, such as mosque tourism, Islamic events and pondok stays. It also works with partners to develop the MFTH ecosystem in different states and destinations through standards, research and identifying new market potential.

ITC ready to help industry players

With these building blocks in place to strengthen the MFTH ecosystem, only then will Muslim tourists be attracted and have their needs met. ITC continues to forge partnerships with ministries, non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders to increase the arrival of Muslim tourists to Malaysia and maintain Malaysia’s position as a top Muslim-friendly destination.

Industry players can tap into ITC’s resources to develop their strategy and work with other ecosystem players.

For instance, they could attain the MFAR, which is a recognition awarded to hotels and other tourism-related premises and businesses that offer facilities and amenities for Muslims to meet their faith-based needs during their travels.

“Some tourism industry players may not realise the potential or importance of the Muslim tourist market for their businesses at the moment, but through engagement with ITC, they will be provided with insights and opportunities,” says Nizran.

“With the right training, industry players can prepare themselves to attract this new and expanding market segment.”

The MFTG, meanwhile, is a recognition awarded to tour guides already licensed by MOTAC and who have completed ITC’s Muslim-friendly tour guide course. This initiative sharpens the knowledge and improves the services delivered to Muslim tourists, taking into account their specific faith-based needs and demands.

Local tour guide associations and travel agents that are interested in this market are encouraged to sign up as MFTGs to increase their marketability and understanding.

“ITC is also open to working with other countries that are interested in tapping into the Muslim tourist market and developing the MFTH ecosystem in their destinations,” says Nizran.

For more information, visit ITC’s official website (, Facebook page (Islamic Tourism Centre), Instagram (itc_my), LinkedIn (Islamic Tourism Centre) or TikTok (itc_my)

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