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(Sept 14): With two days left before the nation celebrates Malaysia Day, Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz said there were now more issues dividing the people than factors promoting unity.

In her Facebook posting, the former international trade and industry minister said narrow and parochial interests continued to inflict pain and exasperation on the majority.

"As we approach the 52nd anniversary of the formation of Malaysia, there are now more factors that tend to divide amongst us, rather than continue to unify and forge solidarity and resilience.

"Where is the ‘Sehati Sejiwa’ spirit when we are going off tangent from national interests, and the good of the larger majority?" she said in referring to the Aug 31 Merdeka Day and the Sept 16 Malaysia Day theme.

"To what, and to whom, are our ‘hati’ and ‘jiwa’ actually aligned?" she said in referring to the Malay words for heart and spirit.

"What really are our common goals as the people of a nation? To what and where does our loyalty lie?"

The former Wanita Umno head said it was clear loyalty should be towards the nation and to what Malaysia and its people stood for.

In referring to the national anthem Negaraku, she pointed out the song did not allude to any race, religion or creed.

Instead, it simply sought to remind that Malaysia was the country for all Malaysians, and that people were living in unity and prosperity.

Rafidah said although the world was facing global uncertainties, Malaysia should not add on to the turbulence with issues and problems that were driven by narrow perceptions and interests of the minority.

In referring to the smoke blanketing the nation, she said the current conditions were matched only by the dark clouds hovering over the country as big issues continued to be swept aside, unresolved, while new issues were surfacing with foreign governments and entities getting involved and giving Malaysia "unwarranted and unnecessary" attention for "the wrong things".

She said the younger generation was looking towards the elders and leaders for guidance.

"Let us not disappoint them, and show them the wrong thing to do... in fact, the young now can tell wrong from right. They are even more exasperated with the developments they are witnessing on a daily basis!! They care and they worry.

"Malaysia has so much to give and as Malaysians, we have so much going for us, if only we can get back on to the right track of nation building, and forging unity.” – The Malaysian Insider

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