Saturday 27 Jul 2024
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KUALA LUMPUR (April 25): There are 51 new Covid-19 positive cases confirmed today, of which 39 infections are in Kuala Lumpur (KL), according to the Ministry of Health (MoH).

The cumulative number of confirmed cases in the capital city has climbed to 1,154, the second highest among the states and federal territories after Selangor, where there are 1,388 cases. There were 432 active cases in KL as at April 23.

The infection number in KL has gone up by 450 cases so far this month, from 704 as at end-March. 

The rapid rise is partly due to an increasing number of confirmed cases among migrant workers, some of whom attended the tabligh assembly at Sri Petaling Mosque on Feb 27 to March 1. 

To date, a total of 14,187 migrant workers have been tested for Covid-19 virus, with 676 positive cases so far, compared with the country’s tally of 5,742.

Director-General of Health Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah announced this afternoon, twenty more new confirmed Covid-19 cases were confirmed at Selangor Mansion as at 12pm today, bringing the total number of cases at the residential flat in Kuala Lumpur downtown area to 166.  Migrant workers account for 150 of the total number of positive cases at the flats.

Selangor Mansion is one of several areas in the capital city, where the government has implemented the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO).

Malayan Mansion, another downtown area where the EMCO has been implemented, saw an additional three positive cases. There were seven positive Covid-19 cases, of which six infected were foreign workers.

Meanwhile, no new case has been reported at Menara Plaza City One today. The number of cases at the two residential towers remain at 51, of whom 37 are foreign nationals.

Other localities around Masjid India, Kuala Lumpur, did not see any new infection.

“The cases in these localities have some relation to the Seri Petaling cluster, which was also attended by foreigners who are residing in these EMCO areas,” he said.

Noor Hisham said that the Ministry of Health (MoH) is taking a targeted approach in testing the foreigners and are currently only focusing on the groups that attended the Seri Petaling meeting, as these were seen as high-risk groups.

“We are not looking at testing all migrant workers, because the high-risk groups are those who were at the gathering in Seri Petaling,” he explained.

He also addressed concerns about the testing being undertaken at Menara Plaza City One, as some have alleged that the mass testings was conducted without proper social distancing.

Noor Hisham said this was due to some confusion, as an announcement was made only for residents of Tower A to undergo the testings first.

However, residents of Tower B also went at the same time, which created congestion during the mass testings.

“The (residents in) two blocks came down together, at the same time. There definitely is room for improvement in terms of handling mass testings. We worked with the police and the military to calm the situation down,” Noor Hisham said.

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