SINGAPORE (Aug 12): ST Engineering reported a 5% increase in revenue and for 2Q2015 to S$1.6 billion. Earnings increased 2% to S$127.3 million.
Some of the improvement came from Elbe Flugzeugwerke, a new subsidiary of the aerospace unit. Based in Dresden, Germany, Elbe Flugzeugwerke designs and manufactures components for Airbus aircraft. The company became a subsidiary in January this year.
Thanks to contributions from Elbe Flugzeugwerke, revenue for the aerospace business unit increased 20% to S$619 million — making it the fastest-growing sector this quarter.
The electronics segment saw revenue growth of 8% to S$445 million. Revenue for the land systems segment declined 11% to S$283 million. The Marine sector posted revenue of S$248 million for the quarter, comparable to the same quarter of last year.
An interim dividend of five cents per share is expected to be paid out to shareholders at the end of this month, unchanged from last year.
Shares of ST Engineering closed flat at S$3.41 today.