Raw deal for most civil servants despite higher budgets, says Pakatan
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(October 9): The majority of civil servants have been getting a raw deal from Putrajaya despite the tremendous increase in budget allocation over the past five years, Pakatan Rakyat said.

PKR’s Kelana Jaya MP Wong Chen said this was discovered after going through the data collected in the midst of planning for their shadow Budget 2015.

“We wanted to find out if the civil servants have been getting a good deal or not, so we crunched all the data and made the comparisons. We found out that despite the increase in the budget, the civil servants’ pay have not caught up. Civil servants are not getting their due share despite budget growth,” he said.

He said the complaints made by Cuepacs last week confirmed their statistics that lower rank civil servants, which make up the majority, were getting a raw deal.

“On paper their rates were increasing faster than the budget growth but when we crunched the figures, the only possible explanation is that the top civil servants were getting multiple upgrades while the lower ranks only got RM200, RM100 or RM50 extra,” he said.

PKR’s Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli said the shadow budget will concentrate on drastic increases in wages given that the current pay scheme did not commensurate with the increase in the price of goods and services.

“Malaysia has a very low emolument ratio to GDP. The number explains when you generate an economic cake per year how much goes back to the public and workers in the form of pay.

"In developed countries, the ratio is 60%,  but in Malaysia, our emolument ratio to GDP is only 33% while everything else is maintained in the hands of the super rich and cronies as profits,” he said..

Rafizi also said that Malaysians will continue to be in trouble no matter how much BR1M they received from the government.

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