Sunday 30 Jun 2024
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ASEAN mobile device technology company Ninetology Malaysia marked the country's 56th Independence Day by launching its flagship Touch Point in Plaza Low Yat, in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.

Ninetology head of channel Eddy Tay said the Aug 30 milestone brought significant meaning to the company as a mobile device technology maker in that it had made its mark throughout the Asean region in less than two years of its existence.

"We are truly grateful for the government’s efforts in fostering an environment which is conducive for business as well as for people to enjoy and celebrate various lifestyles and cultures.

"Our flagship Touch Point celebrates this freedom of expression with a wide offering of smartphones that caters to consumers with a wide variety of interests including technology, fashion, sports and so forth," Tay said.

Living up to its marketing strategy of trying to stand out in the market with something different, Ninetology channels this concept into its Touch Point.

Consumers get an experiential touch point for today's lifestyles and cultures, alongside a product showcase.

"Here at our Touch Point, we do not only showcase our products, but it is a place where consumers can learn how to use a smartphone to enhance their lifestyles and interests.

"The flagship Touch Point will serve as a youth and culture training hub to spread the urbanite culture that is cultivated by Ninetology," Tay explains.

He took pride in Ninetology's smartphones saying they were not just merely tools for communication, but a device that can advance one’s social visibility to open doors to more opportunities.

Tay even took the liberty of reaching out to other Android users, hinting at a surprise that will be coming soon, regardless of smartphone brands.

Why Plaza Low Yat?

Ninetology chose the location simply because it is Malaysia’s Largest IT Lifestyle Mall. Also, in a country like Malaysia today, shopping centres are synonymous with one-stop electronics and IT products shopping.

"The ability to secure a space here speaks volumes about the strength and potential of our brand. Even big mobile device players find difficulty securing a tenancy here.

"This year, we will be opening eight more Flagship Touch Points within the Klang Valley (total nine), and another nine within Malaysia next year. These will be bigger and better to serve our growing customer’s needs," said Tay.

Ninetology’s Flagship Touch Point is opened from 10am-10 pm everyday. For more information, please visit

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