TODAY is a sad day for Msians.
Today Parliament is dead and the nation is being driven down a dangerous path.
Parliament is dead when the Speaker who took an oath to protect preserve n defend the Constitution betrays the very oath he has taken as a Member of Parliament.
The speaker plays politics disregarding the constitution and commits treason in ignoring the Conference of Rulers right to be consulted before promulgation of any laws that will divide us as a nation.
For the Speaker to jump Hadi's Motion and place it No. 1 in the Order Paper is arrogance of the highest order. He wants to show power. He wants to show he can abuse power n there is nothing anyone can do about it. That much is clear.
The dream of ONE NATION is being subverted by the very people whom we have entrusted the administration of the Nation.
Today the Speaker of Parliament commits treason if he disregards the matters in the Constitution we hv brought to his attention.
Today the people must rise to condemn the Speaker if elected MPs cannot do that.
Today we must stand together to protect the nation from the mischief of one man.
Today the People must rise to protect Parliament.