Luxury bus company Aeroline now uses UVC rays to sanitise coaches after trips
09 May 2020, 04:58 pm
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KUALA LUMPUR (May 9): Aeroline, a coach company known for its double-decker buses and luxury on-ground travel, is now using ultraviolet or UVC rays to sanitise and sterilise its buses after every trip.

This is in view of reports that UVC light has been scientifically proven to kill coronavirus, including SARS, MERS and H1N1, it said in a statement today.

"Most recently, the Department of Homeland Security [of the US] has released conclusive research that UV from sunlight can inactivate coronavirus effectively. Globally, UVC is widely used to sanitise hospitals, hotel kitchens, food processing facilities and, now for the first time in the bus industry, Aeroline uses UVC to sanitise all internal surfaces and cabin air," it said.

Its engineers have also installed a different UVC air sanitising system into air conditioning ducts, it said, so that cabin air is constantly disinfected even while a bus is operating with passengers on board.

“While the MCO (movement control order) was mandated a month ago, we began putting in place additional safety and sanitisation measures to ensure that our buses are ready to better serve our customers once the MCO is lifted.

"As a bus operator, we play a serious role in mitigating the risk of transmission of Covid-19 and in ensuring the peace of mind of our passengers when they are aboard our buses,” said Aeroline chief executive officer (CEO) Law Cheok Gheen.

As a community service to its industry partners, Aeroline has prepared mobile units for sanitisation to serve other buses in the Sungai Nibong station throughout the month of May.

“Our industry was highly affected as interstate travel was restricted during the MCO period. All of us are going through very difficult times. If we want to quickly move ahead, we have to take proactive measures. If other bus operators are interested to introduce this sanitisation method in their services, we are willing to share the know-how and proper usage of UVC with them,” said Law.  

Aeroline resumed its operations on May 4, following the implementation of the conditional movement control order or CMCO.

In addition to the use of UVC to disinfect its buses, Aeroline has also tightened other safety and sanitisation measures, which include the use of contactless ticketing procedures at all service centres, regular temperature screenings for all passengers and cabin crew before boarding, luggage sanitisation, briefings on on-board etiquette and the practice of social distancing on buses.

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