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(Jan 16): London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) said on Monday it had no plans to shift the operations of its LCH clearing business from Britain to Germany following the group's merger with Deutsche Boerse.

LSEG was responding to an independent study and press speculation about the possible future location of some of its businesses as a result of its tie-up with its German rival.

According to the research report published in the Times on Monday, there is a "good chance" Deutsche Boerse will relocate derivatives trading from London to Frankfurt.

"Such action is not contemplated and any statements suggesting otherwise are inaccurate and misguided ... LSEG and Deutsche Börse are committed to maintaining the strengths and capabilities of their respective operations in London and Frankfurt," LSEG said in a statement.

"There is no intention to move the locations of Eurex or Clearstream from Frankfurt, LCH from London and the US, Monte Titoli from Milan or CC&G from Rome following completion," it added.

Deutsche Boerse and LSEG have been working to overcome regulatory hurdles holding up their $28 billion merger and looking to appease regulators. LSEG agreed this month to sell its French clearing business to Euronext.

Last week, the head of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, said it would carefully look at the proposed merger too, particularly given Britain's decision to leave the European Union.

Separately on Monday, the economic secretary to the UK Treasury told Reuters that keeping euro-denominated clearing in London even after Britain leaves the EU was in Europe's interest.


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