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KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 19): Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim won the vote of confidence at the First Session of the 15th Parliament on Monday (Dec 19), sealing his legitimacy as the nation's 10th prime minister.

The motion to affirm Anwar’s leadership and appointment was passed via a voice vote, and the exact number of votes he secured could therefore not be confirmed.

Prior to the vote, government and opposition members of Parliament (MPs) debated the motion in the Dewan Rakyat for more than three hours.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof, who tabled the motion, said the result of the vote would prompt the unity government to be determined to continue its commitment to provide the best service to the people.

“With the outlook for the global economy next year indicating a recession, it is important that the unity government has the support of the MPs. This will further strengthen the confidence of investors, the business community and the people,” said Fadillah.

Anwar leads the unity government comprising the Pakatan Harapan (PH), Barisan Nasional (BN), Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) and Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) coalitions along with Parti Warisan. On Dec 16, they signed an agreement in Putrajaya to seal their cooperation.

Under the cooperation pact, MPs in the unity government who fail to vote or support the prime minister in motions relating to confidence votes, supply bills or procedural motions with effect on the federal government’s stability will be deemed to have resigned.

The unity government was formed after the 15th general election resulted in a hung parliament situation where no political party or combination of political parties obtained a simple majority, a first in the history of the country.

During the debate, several opposition MPs claimed that the agreement was undemocratic. PH's Kuala Selangor MP Datuk Seri Dzulkefly Ahmad refuted the claim, saying the agreement was not legally binding and was aimed at stating the coalitions’ intention to work together.

After Dewan Rakyat adjourned, Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin told the press that the opposition did not participate in the voice vote because of the "instruments (signed agreement) used" but has not changed its stance in not supporting Anwar.

Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil, when asked why the opposition did not seize the chance to call for a bloc vote, said: "For the life of me, I would not be able to answer. When you have the chance, take it, or forever hold your peace."

Fahmi added that a voice vote was sufficient for a motion of confidence.

For more Parliament stories, click here.

Edited ByS Kanagaraju
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